Census 2020

It is almost time! Are you ready to complete your Census 2020? Everyone counts! Prince George’s County was the most undercounted county in Maryland. For every person that doesn’t get counted we miss out on $18,250 per person. The Census will be available to complete online until September 30.

You can complete it online TODAY at https://my2020census.gov/

Current Self-Response Deadline:

September 30, 2020

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. Census Bureau has adjusted 2020 Census operations.

Read More: Census 2020 COVID-19 Operational Adjustments

Prince George’s County Explorer Map:  https://mncppc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9a7fd5c25d9d473ebed226f854abb308

As of July 22, the Census response rate in Prince George’s County was at 64%



Census 2020 one-pager plus timeline (pdf)

Census 101 (pdf)

Everything you need to know about the Prince George’s County Census 2020