Engage with State Legislators online: Create your free online “My GA” account

The Maryland House and Senate are putting in place a mix of in-person and virtual activities for this legislative session. We are so glad to see that submitting written testimony online is an option again this year. This means we can be involved right from where we are!

Get your own “My GA” account 

Please create your free online “My GA” (“GA” means General Assembly) account so that you can submit written testimony to Committees as they do their work this session.

    • Just fill out this form and click the “register” button: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Account/Register/Tracking
    • Where it asks for an organization, you can list the name of your early childhood program or organization or you can leave it blank.
    • If you created an account in 2021, it will still work this year.
    • If you created an account already but forgot your password, click “Forgot Password” on the left side of the registration page.
    • Two tips we learned last year about submitting written testimony using My GA:
    • Your testimony document needs to be saved as a PDF after you’ve typed it and you’re all finished; and
    • Submitting testimony works if you open an internet browser in Chrome or Firefox but did not work for us using Internet Explorer.

Ready for action

We appreciate that the General Assembly set up a way for any of us to submit written testimony online. There are important timing rules, though! In general, Committees want us to submit our written testimony two business days before the scheduled hearing. Committees have created their own rules for what time of day they will accept this testimony, too.

We can work together to be in the right virtual places at the right times!

Thank you for your teamwork.