Paul’s 30th Anniversary with the Resource Center!
I joined the Resource Center team in 2001 – and Paul immediately made an impression on me. Looking back, I would say that he exemplified what I now recognize as PGCRC’s Culture of Kindness. As long as I have known him, he is the person who will jump in and help. With ANYTHING that needs doing. Paul arrives early at any of our events to help set up, always willing to do the heavy lifting. And he stays late to make sure his colleagues aren’t left in a lurch. He is passionate about the work that he does, and I have learned from him more than anyone about Person First perspectives – emphasizing personhood before naming any disabilities. I can remember seeing Paul angry exactly one time – it was after witnessing a child being scolded, punished, and worse, belittled. I admired Paul’s righteous anger – he could not stand to see a child treated that way.
You know when Paul did NOT get angry? The time I caught his rug on fire about 17 years ago! Paul hosts a Lithuanian egg dying party during Easter, and invites people of all ages from all parts of his life, including work. Such a lovely thing to do! This particular egg-dying process involves open flames and, well…I had a little mishap. Paul was so gracious about it, and even let me come back.
PGCRC and the child care community are very lucky to have Paul. He brings commitment, passion, knowledge, and of course, kindness to the work that he does. Paul really cares, and I am grateful to call him colleague and friend.
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Paul Armstrong is a fixture at the Prince George’s Child Resource Center and the Prince George’s County child care community since 1993. Commonly called Mr. Paul by the child care community and children in the classroom, he has had numerous jobs at the Resource Center.
In addition to his role as a Early Childhood Mental Health Counselor for Project Win, Paul teaches Early Childhood Education workshops, classes and seminars for the Resource Center. Prior to Project WIN, Paul was a Locate: Child Care Special Need’s Coordinator and Resource and Referral Counselor for 14 years at the Resource Center. Originally, Paul came to the Resource Center from the BARC.
Known for his passionate advocating for the rights of children with special needs and inclusion, Paul Armstrong was proudly awarded The ARC of Prince George’s County 2010 Award of Excellence for Advocacy for his efforts to educate people, parents and child care providers about The Americans with Disabilities Act, its effect on child care and the importance of inclusion in society as well as child care settings.
Fun facts about Mr. Paul:
- Paul has memorized all the Zip codes in Prince Georges County and has never worked for the post office.
- His family are avid skiers, and his mom is still skiing at 87 years old.
- Met his wife working at a summer camp for people with disabilities. They got married at the very same camp where they met.
- He holds the longest tenure as an employee in the history of the Resource Center.

Celebrating PGCRC’s 25th Anniversary at Watkins Park in 2015
this is what paul had to say about his tenure at the resource center
What made you apply for a Resource Center position? I was looking to make a change, I was living in DC with a friend and he suggested I apply. It seemed to be matched to my experience. After interview 1, I went to CCA (now OCC) and got the regulations so I could brush up on interview 2.
What is your role and background? IECMH Project WIN – I help people and I came from a special needs work background.
Do you remember your first day? I still have a copy of my first timesheet somewhere. I saved it. I remember day 1 was mostly employee paperwork and getting set up with my monochrome monitor computer and learning about programs like Word Perfect and how to log on and I also remember trying to understand what was said during staff meeting because everyone used too many acronyms and abbreviations. I remember trying to know everyone’s names.
What is your favorite CRC memory or favorite part of your job? I love the providers I work with both through teaching and ECMH, and I adore the staff at the Resource Center, they are the reason I stayed. Nice people in a great field of work. Working to help children grow and succeed, there is nothing better.
What is the biggest change that has happened over the years? I became a Resource Center trainer and presenter. I never knew I had the ability to stand in front of people and teach a class. I was soooooo young, shy, and unsure of myself.
Sum up your last 30 years here or share your favorite memory. Sum it up: What happened, How did I get here? Where did those 30 years go? A favorite memory includes, getting to pull out the Christmas/holiday decorations. It always helps me to stop and reflect that another year has passed. Also the births of my coworkers children, then getting to know them as they grow. That has been a joy and also helps me to mark the passage of time.
What has been your biggest achievement/success? Success: Sharing my passion for children and in particular children with special needs. “They are all: Children First” Achievement: The relationships I have made here and in the child care provider community: Priceless. Still waiting on winning that lottery mega millions, then I could donate a room, and a endowment grant for the Resource Center.