NEW: hearing scheduled on Maryland’s Child Care Scholarship Program
Legislation has been introduced to make improvements and investments to Maryland’s Child Care Scholarship Program. In the House this is HB 495 and in the Senate this is SB 350.
In February, the House Ways and Means Committee considered HB 495 but didn’t move it forward.
They have another chance on March 29! Why? Because their colleagues in the Senate considered SB 350 and DID decide it needed to move forward. And this is what “crossover” is about – the Senate took a look, agreed to the ideas of the bill, and sent it (crossed it over) to the House.
The members of the House Ways and Means Committee let this idea pass them by in February. Let’s make sure they hear from us about how important this is! We can not move backwards on these policies. We need to move forward, together.
House Ways and Means testimony
For hearings on a Wednesday, written testimony is due the Monday before, so in our case it is due Monday, March 27 and can be submitted between 8 AM and 3 PM.
Download a Word document here that you can send
Here’s how to use your My GA account to submit written testimony: https://www.childresource.org/engage-with-state-legislators-online-in-2023/
Prince George’s County and Anne Arundel County are well represented on this Committee! Check out the membership here: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Committees/Details?cmte=b%26t&ys=2023RS&activeTab=divMain
Join the Resource Center team for optional “office hours” Monday, March 27 between 1 and 1:30 if you want to talk about your testimony or get tips for how to use your My GA account! Join us on Zoom here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82888735221?pwd=am5ER2d3eTlyOTZBMWdzanlNQnRldz09
What would the legislation do?
Specifically it would put into law the recent gains including:
- expanded family eligibility
- co pay relief for most families
- payment rate increases
These gains have been funded with federal dollars approved by Congress. It is time for Maryland leaders to see it through and continue these investments.
SB 350 process details and bill text: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/sb0350
HB 495 process details and bill text: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/HB0495?ys=2023RS