Meet Mary, a GREAT MOM

Mother’s Day is May 8. Support Prince George’s Child Resource Center by making a tax-deductible contribution in honor of your mother, aunt, daughter, sister or friend. We will send her a hand-written card letting her know that a gift was made in her name.

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Meet Mary, a GREAT MOM:
When Mary first came to the Family Support Center with her daughter, 2-year-old Katrina was struggling with speech. Katrina got increasingly frustrated by not being understood, and Mom was looking for help and support for her daughter.
Two things changed the trajectory for Mary and Katrina. First, Mary requested that Katrina receive support from another Resource Center program – Maryland LAUNCH – where an early childhood consultant observes and makes recommendations to support children in child care settings. Second, Mary enrolled herself in Nurturing, a 12-week parenting education program offered at the Family Support Center.  As she came to trust the instructor and other parents in the class, she felt comfortable enough to ask for help with ways she could encourage Katrina. She wanted to be the best mom she could be! With support from Maryland LAUNCH, new parenting knowledge gained in her Nurturing class, and support from her peers, Mary implemented new strategies at home, and asked that staff be consistent with those home strategies when Katrina was in the program. Mary learned how to constantly provide language rich-experiences that have expanded Katrina’s language skills tremendously.
Now, Katrina speaks clearly and uses more vocabulary and longer sentences than is typical for a child her age! Mary’s heart is warmed when Katrina  runs to see her friends in the Center and exclaims, “Mi Amiga!” Mary is a proud mom, and she knows that her daughter is well on her way to gathering all the skills she needs to be ready to learn when she enters school.